
Extractions, Dentures, and Partials: Comprehensive Dental Care Under One Roof

Sometimes, the path to a healthier smile involves more intricate procedures. Whether you require an extraction, dentures, or partials, Galaxia Dental is your trusted partner in the journey towards optimal oral health.

Your Go-to Medicaid Dentists in Austin for Advanced Treatments

Galaxia Dental performs tooth extractions when necessary and offers quality dentures and partials to replace missing teeth, restoring your smile in Austin, TX. Call us at 737-802-3822.

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Tooth Extractions and Replacement with Dentures and Partials in Austin, TX

At Galaxia Dental in Austin, we understand that circumstances like decay or infection may necessitate tooth extractions. Our adept team ensures a smooth process and provides customized dentures or partials to reinstate your confident smile and oral functionality. Whether you need a full set of dentures or partials to bridge gaps, we commit to natural-looking, seamless solutions tailored to you. Our blend of expertise, advanced tools, and a comprehensive care approach, combined with flexible financing, promises both top-notch treatment and enduring dental well-being. For restoration and expert care, reach out to us at 737-802-3822.

Replacing Missing Teeth with Partials and Dentures in Austin

Galaxia Dental offers comprehensive dental services tailored to individual needs. We prioritize painless and efficient tooth extractions, ensuring your comfort. Our custom-fitted dentures restore both function and aesthetics, while for those not requiring a complete set, our partials proficiently bridge the gaps, rejuvenating your smile.

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Payment Options

We accept a wide range of payment options, including Medicaid, Chip, Cash, credit cards, and PPO Insurance. For patients without dental insurance, we also offer Special financing options to make emergency dental care more accessible.

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